Are there days that you feel smothered, like you cannot take in a simple breath?

Rest assured, that this is a very common phenomenon.  All over the world, women, men and children, are not breathing the way nature intended.  Why do you ask?  There are several reasons.  Here is a list of some common causes:

  1. These days it may seem like we live in a world of never-ending stress.  It may be related to your job, relationships, lack of money freedom or any number of factors.
  2. Being on a fertility journey often to go hand in hand with this one!  There are many ups and downs.  Some women/couples are living in a state of chronic anxiety, worry, doubt and fear.
  3. When your muscles don’t get a workout, neither do your lungs.
  4. Injury or illness. There are several conditions that are related to poor lung volumes and air exchange.  If you think you have one, please consult your physician.

Stress and anxiety create tension in the shoulders, rib cage, up the neck muscles and down the back.  When these muscles are tense, they do not move easily.  This restricts the flow of oxygen into your lungs and your body.  It is similar with inactivity.

What’s important to know is that restricted flow of oxygen causes your body to not work properly.  This includes your reproductive system!  We know that when a person has obvious sub-optimal oxygen levels, the body functions to have the vital organs served first:  namely your heart, lungs, brain, liver and kidneys.  This means that your uterus, ovaries, and tubes (and the male equivalents) are non-vital and if necessary, you could simply live without them.

I know you may actually be planning on using these parts to their fullest in the very near future.  Lack of good breathing can cause your reproductive system to not function at its’ very best, all the while not showing up on any test that’s currently available.  Despite everything appearing “normal”, the function for the ultimate result of pregnancy and baby may just not happen.

Thankfully there are some easy ways to correct this!  Great suggestions to take the stairs and go outside for regular walks are a start.

My favourite way to improve my breathing is following the rule of 5’s.  I inhale for a count of 5, hold for a count of 5, exhale for a count of 5, and pause for a count of 5.  Doing this 5 times equals 1 set.  The goal is 5 sets a day!  To maximize the effects, inhale through the nose and exhale like you are blowing out a straw.  This turns on the Rest-Digest-Create part of your nervous system (parasympathetic).  Over time, slow down the pace of your count or raise the number to 10.  While you are at it, raise the number of breaths to 10 as well!

If you want to combat stress, reduce anxiety and get pregnant, it’s time to breathe!  Taking regular deep breaths will not only raise your oxygen levels, your mood and your confidence, it will help you feel more relaxed, calmer and more likely to get pregnant.

Breathing can bring so much more life to your body than you first imagined.